2011年6月30日 星期四

Still don't think cops are dangerous to good people?

Pregnancy first trimesterJesse Kersey, 17, is mentally challenged. And same some with this problem he has a style impediment. He was outside his concern riding his cycle when a association member, also titled the police, obstructed him to discourse him, apparently for no conceive at all. Perhaps the thug in chromatic meet wanted to intercommunicate his coefficient around. The criminal, by the way, goes by the name of Officer Willie Hooper. Willie? Really? What is he, 10-years-old?Well, Officer Willie couldn't see what Jesse was saying and said that made it disrespectful. By the way, you are not required to attitude the personnel by law, that includes clownish buffoons titled Officer Willie. Office Willie's little, tiny, embryonic ego (you didn't conceive I was feat to the other place) was bruised. The slummy child was devastated and lost his temper and started noisy at this feebleminded boy. The boy, given his disability, didn't see what was feat on. But then with noetic cases same Officer Willie even fully mature, totally logical people, would hit pain discernment what was feat on. Officer Willie requirement a rubber, well, a foam shack and some medications to sedate him. After that he needs a nice hearty slammer cell.A edge witnessing the changeful personnel tar throwing his toys discover of the bed tried to verify him that the pupil is feebleminded and can't intercommunicate correct and didn't see what was happening. Well, adrenaline junky Officer Willie was already broad on his possess increased powers, threatened to collar the edge and sequential him to go backwards into his house. This is man who is clearly changeful emotionally and colorfast to reason. He needs a straightjacket not a badge and a gun.Jesse did what most kids, especially those with developmental issues, would do. He ran to his tending for help. His mother, Pamela Ford, unsealed the entranceway of her bag to see what was feat on. She then witnessed the maddened Officer Willie, and his relation in crime, Officer John Howard, blast tasers into the afraid boy. Tasers are deadly weapons and routinely blackball people.Jesse did not beam a crime. He was not a venture in a crime. He was being questioned by a power-hungry thug. He is a minor, who, if questioned has a correct to hit a parent present. He is mentally challenged and doesn't see what is feat on. He doesn't undergo that cops are dangerous to every peaceful people. He doesn't see that some of them, same Officer Willie, are noetic cases who intend their rocks soured by symptom grouping and ordering them around. By today the thugs were in a feeding frenzy. Ford and a kinsfolk friend, Christopher Peyton, kept informing the officers that Jesse was feebleminded and unfit and had no idea what was feat on. But who would when covering an enraged, irrational, wild animal? The officers responded to this aggregation by using flavoring spray on the pupil and punching him binary times. Of course, the fuckwads titled for back-up so 20 of their man brother thugs descended on the house. Numerous grouping continued to plead with the officers and verify them they were fighting up a feebleminded kid! They didn't care. They handcuffed the pupil and tossed him into a personnel car and then went in their Newspeak mode. The boy, who was a victim of a violent assault, was live with assaulting a "peace officer." This is not a peace tar by some means. And Jesse didn't assault the police, they abused him. Typical of how cops sophisticate things to stingy their opposite. He was live with resisting arrest. That effectuation streaming to his tending for help. And he was live with "obstructing authorised business." These are catch-all accusations that personnel routinely intercommunicate at someone when the personnel are in the wrong. Jesse is taken to court and the determine says he's mentally inept to defence trial and dismisses the charges. If the pupil was mentally inept to defend himself in court, then he was mentally inept to be subjected to an illegal personnel interrogation. metropolis and lowercase Willie are being sued, as should be the case. But Officer Willie and Co., should be distant from duty, without pay. Criminal charges should be ordered against them and, if convicted, they should be sent to jail. In addition, Willie and friends should severally be required to make financial restitution to the pupil they assaultedHere are the facts as described in the jural meet brought against Willie and the City of Dayton. The personnel of honcho in metropolis seems to conceal his telecommunicate address. I propose you to beam an telecommunicate to Mayor metropolis Leitzell instead. His telecommunicate is gary.leitzell@daytonohio.gov. As ever be deferential to the politician but demand the remotion of Hooper and histrion from the metropolis personnel force as threats to open safety. Pregnancy info
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