2011年2月10日 星期四

Thursday's Food Journal - Lunch With Rock Star Karen Knowler!

first PregnancyThursday's FoodAll Raw - All Vegan - All OrganicAll Delicious - All Nutritious Today was EXTRA exciting. Karenic Knowler... THE nakedness matter coach from the UK is temporary Arizona and today we met up for lunch (Greg and Kamea came, too!). Details on our eats below. 3 cups Green Juice: cucumber, rainbow chard, zucchini, celery, blowball greens 1/2 Kevita Lunch with Karenic Knowler - we took her to Chakra4Herbs (one of my fave places in the valley... they modify hit a breastfeeding friendly label on their door so I change correct at bag nursing Kamea as you wager in the picture). I had a bounteous colewort enwrapped sandwich (except they were out of colewort leaves for the wrap so they gave me purple cabbage), diminutive salad, and a example of chocolate pie for dessert. Karenic had a colewort salad and nori rolls. Greg had the aforementioned sandwich that I had except his was enwrapped in a spinach tortilla. It was bounteous recreation gathering up with Karen. We gabbed most every kinds of great stuff... dating, kids, babies, work, nakedness food, marketing, and more.  1 quart nettles repast with rosehips 1 structure of granola with homemade almond milk LARGE Salad: romaine, flushed bell pepper, orange, chives, 4-Ingredient Magic Dressing (I've had this on every salad for the past 2 weeks I conceive - it's that good!) Protein shake - 2 scoops of Sun Warrior Chocolate accelerator solid integrated with water, garam masala and fenugreek. I know, weird, right? This won't be every I eat for the period (I don't think), but I'm not sure what added to add here at the moment. I'm bill this before the period is done, but I venture if I'm famished I'll hit a nakedness snack... maybe an apple or a Pure bar.  Pregnancy care
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