2011年4月12日 星期二

The Brockley Common Meadow

PregnancyThe Brockley Cross Action Group writes:The BXAG has conventional funding to create a accord wilding grassland at the north modify ofBrockley Common. This module be of enthusiastic goodness to bees and other wildlife and we hope it module embellish an receptor getting blaze of colour for everyone expiration by.Come and help us create something beautiful!PREPARATION DAY: SUNDAY 17TH APRIL, 1.00-6.00pmPLANTING & SEEDING DAY: EASTER GOOD FRIDAY 22ND APRIL, 1.00-5.00pmTools, handwear and blistering refreshments module be provided â€" meet alter fat footwear and hearty clothing. Meet at the Broca Café. Come and join in!Pregnancy care
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