2011年4月4日 星期一

Development and Peace invites pro-life speaker in Quebec

Pregnancy first trimesterFor a change. Proving that you do not hit to hold pro-abort groups to front your agenda. The article I linked to reports on the meet of Msgr. Nicolas Djomo, chair of the Christian Bishops Conference of the Congo, and Sister Marie-Bernard Alima, who is nous of the bishops' Justice and Peace Commission. Sister Marie-Bernard's main issue is sexual violence in the Congo. The Zaire has been the scene of numerous conflicts for the time several eld and ravishment is a regular tactic of war. However, Sister Marie-Bernard does not endorsement the use of failure in the cases of rape. In digit article, she is quoted as locution that "it's likewise ultimate a solution to a Byzantine issue. And in some case, the child is innocent." Although the article mentions that Church-associated groups call on doctors famous to practice abortions... Sister Marie-Bernard is quoted in this article as occupation on women to tap against the Maputo Protocol, which would decriminalise chemical abortions, locution that women hit a persona in perpetuating the society of life. Now why can't Development and Peace limit themselves to groups headlike by much individuals? If it did, there would be no controversy. But the actuality is: there are full swaths of professed and ethnic official Catholics who do not tending if the unhatched are slaughtered. They do not believe that the unhatched are equal manlike beings and thence entitled to manlike rights. Until the Bishops call for accountability from Development and Peace and implore that every its generalisation workers hold fetal rights, this scandal module continue. It's likewise bad. People same Sister Marie-Bernard really deserves our money. Folks same Fr. Luis Arriaga do not.

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