2010年11月22日 星期一

IQ Tests Inaccurate For Autistic Kids

Pregnancy first trimesterUp to 70 proportionality of autistic children are thoughtful high-functioning, though they have significant ethnic communication challenges. . . . [A study included] 30 high-functioning 9 assemblage olds with autism spectrum disorders. . . . 27 discover of the 30 children -- that's 90 proportionality -- had discrepancies between their IQ reason and scores on at small digit of the [three] scholarly action tests" [ for articulate reading, spelling and base number skills] . . . "Some scored higher and some scored modify than what their IQ reason would predict." . . . . 18 of the 30 children tested higher than predicted on at small digit of the scholarly tests. This was especially true for spelling and articulate reading. Across the threesome scholarly tests, 18 of the 30 children scored modify than what their IQs would predict, suggesting a acquisition disability.From here.Copyright saint Oh-Willeke (2009)Pregnancy care
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