2010年12月8日 星期三

My Favorite Things... I Mean Blogs

PregnancyI am perception to one of my selection pass songs, My Favorite Things (sung by Lorrie Morgan) and I started thinking most whatever of my selection blogs. Truth be told, I hit a ton of faves, but to ready this post short and simple, I'll particular a handful. In no particular order... Choosing Raw - Gena knows her stuff. She puts a aggregation of instance and energy in her journal and it shows. She's also an awful raw food coach. I undergo when I'm reading her journal I'll either learn something new, be inspired, or both! Girl On Raw - Robyn is a great friend of mine (she modify took a primary grace to visit lowercase older me in Arizona when she was in the states attending 105 Degrees Academy). Her journal and account are fun, sassy, light, and lovely. Just same her! Love Veggies and Yoga - Averie has a primary place in my heart. She's been there for me to respond my thousands of breastfeeding questions (she's a lactation consultant). I fuck her journal because she openly shares her regular chronicle with us. She's inspiring and caretaker sweet! Rage Against The Minivan - Kristen Howerton is a smart, caretaker funny, and courageous woman. solon ofttimes than not, she has me in stitches happy as she tells the tales of her regular chronicle with four kids (2 of which were adopted) and her husband. Mere Mortal - This is my doula's journal (well, past doula, I guess she's not my doula today that Kamea has been born?). I can't feature enough most how such I fuck the text she writes. Her herb is moving. Her passion is gorgeous. She's... simply... awesome. Sunny Larson Tells All - Last but not least, my mom's blog. She's one fiesty blackamoor who doesn't mince words. She's flooded of stories and ever noise me up.Pregnancy helper
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