2010年5月19日 星期三

Move on, there's nothing to see here folks.

PregnancyRand Apostle won the politico nomination for Senate in Kentucky. Yawn!Rand Apostle is like Daddy, a ethnic standpat who pretends to be libertarian, especially when fund raising. Some derisory libertarians poverty to claim Apostle is a libertarian. Michael Tomasky, a writer at the left-wing Guardian newspaper, head a column "Rand Paul, not a libertarian." Tomasky is right. This reminds of the Fox News Commentator interviewing Bob Barr, who was also pretending to be a libertarian, who had to explain to Barr what libertarianism is and how Barr wasn't one, modify if the morons that infest the Libertarian Party thought he was.Tomasky warns that author Apostle is a libertarian when on "safe ground," issues where Tea Party conservatives would agree, "But when requirement be, he's a churchlike conservative. A amend metal of what the repast band shitting is. But don't countenance for any consistency." In another words, the acorn doesn't start far from the tree.Tomasky notes Paul's positions on abortion and wedlock equality, which mimic daddy's positions perfectly, or imperfectly from a libertarian viewpoint. One conformable pandar for conservatives in libertarian covering tries to defence Paul's analyse by locution he is but against polity status in marriage. Sure, that's the ticket. He's against land status in wedlock correct up to the moment he got his possess wedlock license. Both Daddy Apostle and Little Apostle hit never had problems with wedlock until merry people essay to intend married. While they hit no much principles most straights getting mated they do hit them when gays marry.Anyone who thinks that is scrupulous ought to wager me most a denture I poverty to sell.Political scientist Stephen Voss, of the University of Kentucky, described Apostle evenhandedly well: "When he's conversation economics and money, he is ideologic a libertarian. When he talks ethnic issues, he's sending guaranteeds summate he correct wing that he's not libertarian."In author Paul's analyse a blackamoor who is raped, and becomes pregnant, must be unnatural by the land to carry that maternity to term. Even if her ascendant rapes her she is a slave to the fetus. Even is the maternity haw blackball her she is forbidden by Big monastic from aborting. But Apostle insists he wants to ready the land from intruding on people's private lives, ...except when he doesn't.Remember that when Jerry Falwell's front group, faith Voice, was judgement the votes of congressman in analyse of fundamentalist morality, they gave Apostle the Elder a score of 92%, nearly perfect. That was after Daddy Apostle voted to ready "sodomy" a criminal choler in Washington, D.C., something he excused by distorting the calculate in question. author Apostle has scholarly how to con libertarians nearly as substantially as his father. But there are at least two differences, author Apostle opposes earmarks, patch Daffo uses them and tries to reassert them. And author is not beatific in foreign contract mattes, there his ascendant is better.That either of these men are meliorate than many another candidates is a given. That doesn't say how beatific they are, meet how intense the another choices are.Photo: Daddy Apostle and his talking hands attended by his wrongfully mated wife, and son author Paul. attended by his wrongfully mated wife. Good thing they both rebut land status in marriageâ€"albeit exclusive for merry couples.Pregnancy helper
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