2010年5月11日 星期二

VIDEO: Swedish cartoonist attacked by Muslims

PregnancyQUOTE:Stockholm News was inform when the creator Lars Vilks was attacked today during a style he held at city university. The thought for the style was that "art crapper not be anything but cruel"Vilks is disputable after portraying Savior and the Prophet Muhammad on animals’ bodies. He has also worn an ikon of a mortal mortal as a pig. A pair of eld ago ha drew the Prophet Muhammad on a dog’s embody which led to modification threats from Muslim extremists.Today’s style was nearly an hour suspended because of long queues and airport-like security measures. All bags were checked and bodies and clothes scanned with metal detectors. Already half an hour before the style started; digit could significance that something could happen. Some grouping screamed in a rattling battleful artefact at Vilks when he went discover to analyse the premises.During the prototypal transactions of the style Vilks showed other disputable pieces of arts, for example a represent of Savior on the cross, down in urine. He also talked most grouping in for example Poland who impact been prosecuted for prowess that provocted churchlike people.It was when Vilks started to show a film by the Iranian creator Sooreh Hera, where the Prophet Muhammad went to a merry forbid that whatever grouping started to yell. After a pair of transactions digit mortal ran to the initiate and impact Vilks in the head. Then the disturbance started. Several grouping ran towards the initiate and at small digit more mortal managed to move Vilks. Lars Vilks is not reportable to be seriously injured. A personnel officer was also abused and digit grouping impact been arrested.For a few transactions it was a taste disorganised before the personnel got a grip of the status and asked grouping to leave. The rest of the style could not be held. When that was announced, most 30-40 grouping started to cheer and sing, apparently happy that the gathering had been stopped. It was a shame for some reasons. Whatever digit thinks most this kind of arts, the promised question instance after the style would impact been rattling interesting.VIDEO:Pregnancy helper
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