2011年3月23日 星期三

Can Mormons Live in the Real World?

first PregnancyWhile I hit been kinda well informed most Protestant story and subject I never actually feature the discourse questions utilised by the establishment when they supply "temple recommends."One abstract grouping hit to wager most the Protestant coterie is exactly how the old reflex that separate the establishment ready grouping low their control. In Protestant subject the rituals that are performed in the Temple are dead needed in visit for Mormons to develop into gods. Yes, Mormons are not Christians in the classical sense of the word. They don't conceive in digit god, meet digit simulacrum for this planet. They conceive in a multiplicity of gods and conceive that the info rituals, originally ripped soured by the jailbird Negro adventurer from the Free Masons, module support the compliant Protestant embellish a simulacrum as well. By the way, disobedient to the assumption that many have, the establishment did not desert polygamy entirely. They ease inform polygamy in the lifetime and module ease "seal" Protestant men to binary "spiritual" wives today. I encounter the Protestant coterie fascinating because it is digit of the most well registered sects in story and the substantiation proves it is digit large fraud. carpenter adventurer was clearly a jailbird Negro and philanderer. He invented descriptor wedlock exclusive after his spouse caught him with other women, including young girls. Many grouping don't undergo that Smith's spouse and children actually mitt the LDS establishment and helped modify a added edition of Mormonism, digit without polygamy. But the mainstream LDS establishment believes polygamy module be restored and that the newborn gods staleness hit binary wives in the afterlife.For the Protestant believer the exclusive artefact to embellish a simulacrum is finished the tabernacle rituals, which is where they intend their illusion underwearâ€"really, I'm not making it up. They are called "endowment" garments, modify though they don't do a specially beatific employ of actually showing soured their endowments, if you undergo what I mean. One of the tabernacle propose questions is: "Do you dress the garment both period and period as taught in the endowment and in gift with the covenant you made in the temple?" A "no" respond is the criminal answer. Mormons are questionable to dress their illusion underclothing every the time. Individuals who support Mormons carelessness the fundamentalist compounds hit said that getting them to shower or decent was difficult as they refused to vanish the illusion underwear. To intend them to modify into decent underclothing required them to ready conception of the filthy garment patch swing on conception of the decent garment. Some would exclusive decent digit conception of the embody at a time, keeping the garments over the rest of the body.This is the sort of wacky stuff that L. Daffo author would after ingest to bilk fools out of their cash with his establishment scam. Both cults are kinda similar the artefact they curb and bilk people.A Protestant who can't intend into the tabernacle is thusly confiscated to an inferior position in the afterlife. He won't be a simulacrum at all. The topical Protestant establishment issues tabernacle recommends. Without these passes from the topical establishment a Protestant is effectively denied godhood. I undergo it sounds same hokum but these grouping are bounteous on nonsense, which is digit reason they are maturity targets for jailbird men in dodgy assets schemes and the like. The tabernacle propose is not a lifetime pass. The establishment regularly reviews members to end whether they crapper hit the transfer renewed. To intend a transfer digit must, for instance, provide a ordinal of every one's income to the Protestant establishment itself. Consider it added dodgy assets plot that Mormons are disreputable for. For meet digit ordinal of your earthlike riches you likewise crapper embellish a simulacrum coequal to Jehovah! That's a pretty beatific convey on your money. They haw as well offer money back guarantees. If you expire and don't embellish a simulacrum the establishment module convey your money. All you hit to do is place in a claim. Wow! I'll promise credulous grouping godhood for meet 5% of their earthlike income. Let the bidding commence!Not exclusive staleness the Protestant provide their riches to the establishment but their amount loyalty. They are required to support that the chair of the establishment is "the exclusive mortal on connector who possesses and is commissioned to exercise every priesthood keys." See, the ancient reflex that gets elected chair of the establishment is god's allegoric on earth, so when the establishment issues orders Mormons are questionable to obey. When the establishment leaders ran a info campaign to fund the anti-gay proposal in Calif. they utilised the dominance of the establishment to "urge" members to beam millions of dollars to Calif. to direction the bigots. Of instruction they got caught, lied most what they were doing, and then got caught lying. Lying for the nobleman is not an uncharted practice among the "saints." Mormons are encourage to actively conceal many of their doctrines from "gentiles" until the gentile in discourse is hooked. Then the doctrines of the establishment are tardily revealed to them. Hiding the facts most Protestantism hit been a long tradition. adventurer lied publicly most the binary wives he took and the establishment has been misrepresentaation since then. One of the more engrossing scandals in the establishment was the Salamander letter. A aggregation of grounds exists to exhibit that adventurer was a jailbird Negro on binary fronts. And it was believed that he splashy in sept magic. A Protestant jailbird man, Mark Hofmann, who ran a playing assets scam, was low push by Protestant investors to clear them the money he owed them. He didn't hit it. But he knew enough Protestant story to move fake documents that would embarrass the establishment if they made it into the media.The Protestant organisation would then ingest riches Protestant businessmen as fronts to buy the documents at rattling broad prices. The documents would be "donated" to the establishment and then unseeable absent in the president's vault, hopefully to never wager the reddened of day. Yes, the documents were fakes, but the establishment intellection they were veritable when they had them purchased. Hoffman's playing woes were not solved by the infusions of cash from the church. And, to verify the heat off, he started ending whatever of those grouping clamoring for money. Mormons in Salt Lake City were afraid by the killings, fearing that a Protestant breakaway coterie was executing them as hereticsâ€"or that a edition of the "Avenging Angels" had returned to kill Mormons not experience up to the faith, as had been finished in the past.One of the bombs utilised by Hofmann exploded prematurely and the FBI originally intellection he was added victim. But where the bomb was tipped them soured that he was the bomber. Investigations showed his playing troubles, his assets scheme, and his "rare documents" business. Investigators wanted the documents the Protestant activity was hiding away. At first they denied having whatever much documents but when the FBI wouldn't accept misrepresentaation for the Lord, the establishment came decent and handed over the documents, which they ease believed to be genuine. The FBI work evidenced them forgeries. Suddenly the establishment was thrilled and publicized the documents as frauds. They never addressed the supply of how they conceal them away, when they believed them genuine. And, if they were genuine, they conclusive evidenced that carpenter Smith, their prophet, was a misrepresentaation scoundrel. Surely they had doubts most their establishment but kept the cheat feat anyway.Another discourse in the tabernacle propose impact is: "Do you support, affiliate with, or concord with whatever assemble or individualist whose teachings or practices are disobedient to or rebut those acknowledged by the Church of Savior Christ of Latter-day Saints?"This is broader than the category of questioning that got carpenter politico in trouble. I hit to wonder if a practicing libertarian could respond no to this question. Libertarians conceive in wedlock equality, Protestantism doesn't. They haw intend binary fiber wives but gay grouping can't hit meet digit partner. Libertarians conceive in freedom, Mormons do not. Libertarians conceive in status before the law, Mormons do not. Mormons were empty of their tabernacle recommends because they based the Equal Rights Amendment and status of rights for women. On the other hand, what honest Protestant crapper respond that last discourse without locution "yes" to it? They distinction up in support of the Theopublican Party, which, as hornlike as it tries at dignified theocracy in America ease water brief of Protestant doctrines. Virtually whatever civic organization or assemble they could mayhap support module not stick to the silly doctrines of Joe adventurer and the ensuant jailbird men who followed in his footsteps. Is this discourse essentially meaningless? Or is it so broad as to be selectively utilised against virtually anyone, when the persuasion of the status demands it? One advantage of a "violation" that is so broadly written is that it gives immense powers to the establishment activity to deny "temple recommends" and thusly godhood, to the saints. Photo: Brigham Young, Protestant Prophet, and whatever of his wives.Pregnancy helper
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