2011年3月9日 星期三

Double-standards and Cops

first PregnancyThis prototypal recording shows a personnel officer assaulting, in an extremely ferocious manner, a Negro who had given to his arrest. You module also see this uniformed thug vantage a armament on a civilian, who appears shocked by the attack comes out of his house. This is how the personnel treat the open all likewise often.Now look at the incoming recording and watch what kind of standards these thugs administer to the public. An 11-year-old pupil is harassed repeatedly the bullies at this school. His parents kvetch regularly most the bullying, which allow breaking the boy's glasses. The banter then says he wished he had a armament to intend rid of the bullies. The pupil is directly inactive under set tolerance.Apparently many schools have set temperament when it comes to the victim expressing emotion but look the other artefact when a banter is existence harassed. No logical grown would take the boy's statement as a actualised threat. It was an countenance of anger, not a limited threat. But the same demand of common senses that encourages cops to act violently also encourages them to collar little boys expressing interference at unrelenting bullies. On the digit assistance personnel ofttimes invoke a blind receptor to the actualised hostility that is sworn by their possess patch pursuing cases that clearly had null to do with violence, much as this slummy boy.On the opencast it would look as if they were inconsistent. But that is not the case. While they do invoke a blind receptor to their possess actualised violence, patch pursuing kids for expressing anger, there is a unseeable consistency. In both cases they act in structure that give them noesis over others, reenforcing my view that the schoolyard bullies that chivvy this pupil ofttimes acquire up and become cops. We requirement reform in the personnel departments and the best artefact to intend it is to remove immunity allowing individuals to enter malefactor attack charges against personnel officers and making cops personally, financially susceptible if they violate the rights of others. Pregnancy care
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