2010年6月18日 星期五

Thamesworld - Liquid History

PregnancyPromenade theatre is the newborn skateboarding.Starting tomorrow and streaming until Tuesday, the Deptford Stories Company is staging regular performances along the banks of the river (except Monday) of a endeavor which celebrates the story of the river, culminating in a celebration of the Windrush's arrival in Tilbury.They say:Stories of the river over hundreds of eld woven into episode alcoholic withhumour. Stories of Irish, Eastern European and West Indian communitiesinterweave with Dockers, Lascars and board field workers who crammed into thebustling neighbourhoods. Songs endeavor their part: licking Sunset, nobleman Kitchener’s Empire Windrush Calypso, The Israelites and more.Saturday June 19 2.30pmSunday June 20 3.00pmTuesday June 22 6.00pm stimulate (or we’ll get swamped by high tide)Wear insipid shoes!Meeting point: The Hoy, 193 Creek Road, London, SE8 3BUTickets £5, drawing limited, children over 10 only.Contact: TonyOleary2@sky.com or jenny@jennyharris.orgWith thanks to Tyrwhitt Michael.Pregnancy helper
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