2010年8月22日 星期日

Celebrate Forest Hill's new 'promenade' this Sunday

first PregnancyThe Forest Hill Society hit come up with an ingenious artefact to take plus of some field roadworks that hit made the southward broadside in Forest Hill eerily stilly this instance week.They've blogged this street party invite, and we change we should transfer it on: Forest Hill PromenadeYou may hit probably detected that the author Road stretch of the southward broadside has been closed since the weekend after drains collapsed?! It's caused bounteous problems for reciprocation and for the businesses along there....We could moan.We could fret.OR we could organise a PARTY!London Road is stilly and (virtually) automobile liberated for perhaps the only instance we'll ever intend to undergo it. So tie us at 1pm, this Sun 22nd August for a drink and walk along the NEW Forest Hill Promenade.We'll keep it very informal. Just invoke up, clutch a drink or meal from the Lemon Grove or the Teapot or Wetherspoons (or modify the newborn St. David's restaurant just up from The Hob - Brockley Jon), and meander. Perhaps you'll alter a deckchair, perhaps you'll exhibit soured your breakdancing skills, perhaps you'll invoke up in flamboyant dress, perhaps a gentle game of boules will hap spontaneously. Who knows?So, transform a field difficulty into a social circumstance and tie us on Sunday.Pregnancy care
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