2010年8月23日 星期一

Indulgence at TWO8SIX

PregnancyTWO8SIX286 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6JZ 30th August · 19:00 - 22:00We've been meaning to write most the TWO8SIX club in Lewisham for whatever time, since it is digit of the some gay venues in the area.Indulgence is not another chance to hear the collected works of Lady Gaga and Cheryl Cole while anxiety reasonably-priced cocktails. It's an prowess exhibtition featuring fivesome topical artists. The organisers say:A group aggregation featuring the impact of fivesome emerging artists that explores the intent of indulgence within equal nation Culture. Each artist asks the conference to reconsider what it is to indulge. What does it stingy to eat in luxury? To immerse yourself in beauty, in an object, emotion or fantasy?Pregnancy info
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