2010年8月2日 星期一

Stossel goes where most fear to tread.

PregnancyJohn Stossel, the libertarian reporter at Fox, tackles stimulate and the lawâ€"that one Atlantic where faux "limited government" types embellish raving banshees for Big Brother. In this prototypal clip he discusses the housing of Ricky, who I have discussed on this journal several time. Appearing with Ricky is his mother Mary Duval, who has commented here several times.Watch the stylish recording at video.foxbusiness.comSimilarly this journal has regularly challenged the derisory and counter-productive stimulate registry laws. Radley Balko, from Reason, tackles the hysteria. People on the Left, who vexation about these sorts of derisory laws, should be applauding Stossel for doing this.Watch the stylish recording at video.foxbusiness.comPregnancy care
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