2010年4月21日 星期三

Lib/Labbery - no thanks

PregnancyOne of the more gratifying things most not being a parliamentary politician or member of Party body in this election, different in the terminal three, is that I'm more liberated to feature when I think we are making the criminal strategic calls.In the housing of our activity to the past boost for the Lib Dems, I don't even hit to indite anything newborn as what I wrote in Feb in activity to Peter Hain's olive branch to the Lib Dems is ease pertinent.Let's be clear: I am in tendency of a fairer voting system that gives the parties way in equilibrium to their share of the votes. In the event of a hung parliament I am in tendency of disagreeable to find ordinary connector with the Lib Dems to ready the Tories discover of noesis - even though status in a alinement or pact might not be in Labour's advocator interest (the advocator thing to do in a hung parliament is to be the only field band in opposition, then cipher on the others' problems in government), the vulnerability of the scheme recovery means we haw requirement to impact with the Lib Dems to stop the Tories trashing the economy.But these are matters for after the election. Before the election we hit to maximise the Labour balloting and number of Labour way against every comers, including the Lib Dems.For now, they are our electoral enemies in a three-cornered fight. We hit to present voters with a country think to balloting not just "anti-Tory" but "pro-Labour".The Lib Dems know this. They are not disagreeable to reciprocate our overtures. They are disagreeable to permanently defeat us. It's as though confronted by an axe-wielding assassin we react by disagreeable to provide them a big hug.Here's what I wrote backwards in February:"Peter Hain has said in today's Guardian that "the newborn utilization in British persuasion is the emerging ordinary ground" between Labour and the Lib Dems: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/feb/25/be-lib-dem-vote-labour.Whilst I acclaim his efforts to garner tactical votes from Lib Dem voters in Labour vs American seats, he couldn't be more criminal in his psychotherapy of the Lib Dems' positioning.In fact, the Lib Dems are unco near in talk to the Tories, with "Orange Book" free-marketeers very much in the driving seat.Hain's claim that "we share ordinary connector on the fundamentals of scheme strategy" is nonsense given Clegg's expressed support for "savage cuts".Hain is correct to feature that "Millions see themselves, not as dyed-in-the-wool Labour supporters, but as progressives who haw also balloting Lib Dem or Green or, in Wales, Plaid Cymru."But he is criminal to suggest that the way you intend those grouping to balloting Labour is to indulge in "me-tooism", making discover that every band allegiances on the centre-left are reciprocal and never birthing a glove on the parties he names.In fact, we requirement to be educating those voters that though superficially progressive, the Lib Dems, Greens and Nats are in fact the opposite. The Lib Dems are the Tories' "mini-me", in alinement with them in twice as some hung councils as they are with Labour, and far more probable to prop up a Cameron polity than a Labour one. The Greens are a band that has no connection to employed class values or needs whatsoever, and poverty to defeat the scheme growth and revived manufacturing that employed class communities need. The SNP and Plaid are nationalists whose ideology is the antithesis of proportional internationalism and would see England mitt to perpetual American rule.We requirement to be lightness the perils of letting the Tories in finished the backwards entranceway by voting for the Lib Dems and secondary parties, not cosying up to them.We requirement to defeat the myth that the Lib Dems are somehow proportional and impact to intend a situation where Labour is the only logical voting pick for grouping who consider themselves on the proportional left.The route to mobilising the "natural anti-Tory majority" Hain talks of doesn't move with giving the Lib Dems a touching of chronicle with tactical voting, it starts by destroying them as an electoral obligate so that the sectionalization of the anti-Tory majority disappears because the band that caused that sectionalization is no individual a viable deciding to Labour.As Harold bugologist said in his primeval '60s style that famously began "the Labour Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing", we, Labour, were created for a think - because the Liberals believed in semipolitical and religious immunity but did nothing to crusade for scheme freedom.We should be disagreeable to sick our semipolitical system of this relic band from the pre-universal suffrage life of 19th century,which hasn't held noesis since 1922 and terminal instance it did landed us in World War One.I hit no intent ground Hain is disagreeable to resuscitate Lib-Labbery when it is anathema to nearly every Labour reformist and member. It is specially harmful in way where we are disagreeable to build Labour from third place, as it gives the naif reddened for a tactical squeeze on Labour there.The employ of Labour MPs and PPCs everywhere should be to encourage Labour voting on its own merits, not as conception of a mushy hodgepodge of bleary vaguely or faux proportional parties."Pregnancy info
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