2010年9月26日 星期日

Can a Stalinist experiment go right?

PregnancyOne of the more bizaree ledes I've become crossways in past memory is from The Independent, a left-leaning paper in England. king McNeill writes a "special report" on "Face to grappling with the world's most restrictive regime."The lede is: "Pyongyang is the showcase top for a commie experiement absent horribly wrong."What exactly would be a commie experient that went right?This is comparable to whatever Right-wing paper discussing a "Nazi research that went horribly worng." The intent that this has absent "horribly wrong" implies that there is a category of Stalinism, or by implication, Nazism, that could intend it right. If a Right-leaning production had said something similar of Adolph's program would it be overlooked? But then the Left has ever had a emotionality for Uncle Joe.Pregnancy info
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