2010年9月23日 星期四

Fantastic Forum: Rise of The Silver Surfers

first PregnancyBC selection Tamsin writes:Lewisham Pensioners Forum, an methodicalness which has LBL grant aid to counterbalance digit part-time salaries but is run by pensioners for pensioners with a membership in Lewisham of upwardly of 1200 individuals and links to over 60 groups and organisations in the Borough.We are attractive conception in this period initiative by Age UK, breaking downbound the certainty barriers that some of the old grappling when hunting at the recent technology with an event in Central Lewisham on weekday 24th September. If anyone would same to become along, here are the details. If there are some web-savvy volunteers who'd same to become along armed with a laptop to demonstrate the potential of blogging to the group, that would be great. Please let Tamsin know if you can support by bill here.Pregnancy care
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