2010年9月22日 星期三

Kristen's Raw 25th Awesome Giveaway - FREE Set of Ebooks

PregnancyIt's instance for another Kristen's Raw Awesome Giveaway! The prize? A complete set of my newly fashioned Raw Vegan Recipe ebooks! (That's 10 ebooks!) And, since transport is not an issue with ebooks, this oppose is unstoppered to anyone in the world. I'll superior two winners. WANT THE CHANCE TO WIN?  It's simple to participate. All you have to do is respond the following discourse in this post's interpret section. The oppose will modify Saturday night, Sept 25th @ 11:59pm. I'll enter everyone's name who answered the discourse into a art and foretell the winners on my journal Sunday, Sept 26th. QUESTION: For my Kristen's Raw journal posts, rank the following topics in visit of your selection to small favorite. Remember, place your selection topic first. 1) Kristen's Food Journal (what I take in a day)2) Raw Lifestyle Tips and Living Information3) Recipes4) Kristen's Daily Life Updates (what I'm doing from period to day) Want added chance to win? Tweet a unification to this journal place and come backwards to permit me undergo in a removed comment. Want added chance to win? Facebook a unification to this journal place and come backwards to permit me undergo in a removed comment. Want added chance to win? Write most this giveaway on your journal and unification backwards to this journal post. Come backwards to permit me undergo in a removed comment.Pregnancy info
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