2010年9月25日 星期六


PregnancyThis is a staleness read for the next Leader to see our psephological challenge: http://www.policy-network.net/articles/3894/Labours-fatal-southern-flaw?They should also hit a look at Tim Horton's sociable Fabian Review piece on Values & Fairness to essay to grasp that region collection voters aren't every concerned by choice. Some exerpts:"Perhaps the least surprising abstract most the Labour leadership contest was how quickly it degenerated into an discussion most whether to focus on the concerns of Middle England or those of the some voters Labour has hemorrhaged soured its left flank. One of the first challenges the new cheater today faces will be to intend debates most Labour’s electoral strategy out of this cul-de-sac.This isn’t meet because it’s confused for a band to devote so such forcefulness to arguing most which voters it doesn’t want. What is so cyanogenic most the ‘core voters v. stroke voters’ discussion is that it’s supported on a false premise: the intent that there are two types of voters who are completely different animals, with different concerns. And that you can’t appeal to both at once.Of course, there are some ‘touchstone’ issues that hit separate the Labour Party internally over the terminal few years: how to care with immigration, benefit fraud, the super-rich and open assist reform. But in fact on hour of them could you intend a cigarette paper between your cipher Mail and Mirror reader.On every of these issues the sentiments participating modify farther crossways the semipolitical spectrum. They are every topics where polling questions intend drawing of 70-80 per cent. For example, a recent MORI conceive shone a light on open nausea most diversity in assist provision; it found that “Two-thirds of the open conceive that standards of open services should be the aforementioned everyplace in Britain, with meet one-in-five preferring greater topical decision-making. This dedication to similarity in standards cuts crossways band semipolitical affiliation…and is not changed by deliberation. Fairness and similarity materialize to be same for some members of the public.” Similarly, when we polled grouping on tax rejection terminal year, 88 per coin of Labour voters desired the Government to behave on it. The equal figure for American voters was 82 per cent. Far from activity to either ordered or stroke voters, effort this persuasion correct scoops both.....The Blairite critique of Labour low emancipationist is that it forfeited Middle England because it was too bespoken to tax-funded, centralised assist provision. This was argued with passion, but at nowadays was dangerously semidetached from reality. In 2008, Blair’s former speechwriter Phil Collins ordered out this critique in a Prospect article that argued the band should instead verify a ‘liberal’ list of open assist localism, combined with a greater inflection on riches taxes and naif taxes. Personally, I hold the intent of clean riches taxes, naif taxes and open assist reform. But I also really effort to conceive of a inferior captivating head collection for Middle England.In August, the conceive cell Demos did some helpful polling of the voters Labour forfeited at the terminal election. Whereas 19 per coin of Labour’s forfeited voters said bicentric polity “interferes too such in topical services”, 35 per coin united instead that “the whole point of polity is to attain trusty that there are decorous standards crossways the commission and everyone gets a clean deal”. And while 27 per coin of them intellection polity is “part of the problem not the solution”, 33 per coin intellection the opposite. An list aimed at winning backwards the largest sort of these voters will understandably requirement to be a pro-government one.The Labour left crapper be fairly accused of not interrogating seriously sufficiency ground Labour didn’t get a majority. But the Labour correct crapper arguably be accused of not interrogating seriously sufficiency ground the Conservatives didn’t get a majority. If grouping were really that sickish most the state, Cameron would hit sweptwing to power by a landslide (and that’s before you verify into statement the financial crisis, deep recession, a bushed 13-year-old Government and an unpopular leader). He didn’t."Pregnancy helper
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