2010年10月14日 星期四

Abortioneer Wonders: Shouldn't the Clinics Give a Damn?

Pregnancy first trimesterThe unashamed naiveté of Anti-Anti is astounding.In a past chat with man Abortioneers, the question arose of whether it is possible to work in Abortion Land without existence a feminist. About a Girl fresh expressed her yearning at the diminishing significance of feminism in our clinics, superseded by a for-profit model that shifts the pore from the woman to the service-payment exchange.Which is what pro-lifers hit said for the terminal 40 years. AND YOU JUST NOTICED?See this is the pleasant abstract most insiders talking openly most failure and failure land. Lots of grouping conceive pro-lifers attain clog up when it comes to abortion. But the abortioneers come discover and say what we've been saying. Thank you for making our point!She continues:I can't really begrudge that; you wage a assist that grouping want, digit that will never minify in demand, and you've got a pretty steady course of income. It's beatific business sense, not personal. Then again, it's not a dental office. It's an failure clinic. Women go there to attain whatever of the most important decisions of their lives. Shouldn't the clinics provide a ***?You stingy they don't. You stingy they prefer cash to the lives of women? Say it ain't so.Here's the kicker:I suppose, by default, if you are providing a assist that advances women, you stop whatever reformist ideals.ROFL. So existence selection to follow a curette in a woman's uterus and suck discover a fetus confirms your reformist leanings by default?(But oppose abortion, even if you hold every other reformist tenet, and you're a "fake feminist". LOL.)Even if you are meet a upbeat tending tycoon by day, the fact that you start into the distinction of failure fire confirms your reformist leaningsSo let's see. Even if you're in the failure business ONLY FOR THE CASH, and you revilement corners, and you couldn't tending inferior most the women's individualized problems, that confirms your reformist leanings.But on second thought, maybe she's right!Pregnancy care
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