2010年10月25日 星期一

Monday's Green Smoothie Breakfast

Pregnancy first trimesterI LOVE GREEN SMOOTHIES!!!! For every of you out there who are intimidated my raw food, or who don't undergo where to begin... this is it! Whip up a dazzling awing green smoothie for your breakfast and TAKE ON THE WORLD! (Want to learn more? Read 3 Problems Smoothies Solve here) Here is today's all-organic concoction. It made most a quart. I loved it so much, I drank it every down in most a time - lol. Water 1 giant foliage of Swiss Chard (ended up existence most 1 containerful when torn into pieces) 1 icy banana 1 1/2 cups pineapple 1 containerful goji berries 1 tablespoon hemp seeds Blend it up and voila! Energizing - Satiating - Fun BreakfastPregnancy care
mortgage refinance

