2010年7月15日 星期四

Crofton Park Library breaks Labour's big tent

PregnancyYesterday, Brockley Central was tweeted by the Crofton Park Labour Party asking us to help promote their asking to spend Crofton Park Library. We duly re-tweeted but asked ground they couldn't only hit a word with their Labour Councillors, their Labour-led compartment and their Labour mayor, whose selection it would be. They said:"Councillors already on the case, want to exhibit support from the community."Shortly after that exchange, accord supporters of Lewisham's libraries overturned up at the Council compartment gathering and titled on Mayor Bullock to spend them from closure. This resulted in the Mayor doing a "bigoted woman" as he was caught on microphone calling them “Fucking idiots”.The News Shopper has the full story here.Pregnancy care
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