2010年7月23日 星期五

Ladywell Fields Family Fun Day, Saturday 24th July

PregnancyTom from Living Streets writes:Lewisham residents are solicited to become along to a family recreation day at Ladywell comic as conception of the Discovering author weekend. A sort of recreation activities are available to enjoy on Saturday 24th July between 12pm and 4pm encouraging grouping of all ages to explore their topical Atlantic and get walking. Free activities allow a topical history walk, river wading, a figure exhibit and a treasure hunt. The circumstance is presented by National Charity Living Streets’ through their ‘Step discover in London’ project, in connexion with The Lewisham Rivers and People Project and Lewisham Borough Council. The aim of the circumstance is to demonstrate to grouping how travel crapper unstoppered your eyes to the some hidden gems that are passed forgotten every day.Pregnancy info
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